On-The-Fly RSS by LC Number for Voyager

Wally Grotophorst, Associate University Librarian at George Mason University’s library, posts a small Perl application that searches his Voyager online catalog for a specific Library of Congress call number and returns the results as an RSS feed. He has an example of this feed embedded on GMU’s Library Systems Office home page (appropriately, new books on programming).
Wally embeds the code in a page using Feed2JS — but it would also be accessible to anyone who wants to track new books available in GMU’s libraries by subscribing to the RSS feed. The feed has a simple URL structure — in the example he posts, it is http://breeze.gmu.edu/cgi-bin/newrss.pl?QA76.
The Perl code is pretty straightforward though, Wally says, not particularly well optimized as yet.

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