Links (beta) is a group linklog — bringing the tagging power of Flickr and Furl to the world of the blog.
From links’ about page:
Once you’re set up and saving your links here, you can syndicate your own recent links or your group links using RSS, or export your whole set of personal links to a number of formats for use in other systems.
If you poke through the site, you can find all sorts of blog entries that Yale users have found useful — nicely tagged and organized.
RSS4Lib has been linked in the WAG [Yale Medical Web Advisory Group] group with the tags rss, libraries, and blogs. It’s not just a respository — anyone (not just registered users) can also subscribe to the RSS feed for any page in the site — so you can subscribe to the RSS feed for the WAG group, or for the “libraries” tag.
The Yale Center for Medical Informatics is developing this software — unalog — under an open source license. This might be very handy way for a public library to maintain a virtual vertical file — rather than collecting pamphlets and ephemera by subject or organization, why not use unalog to indicate web sites and assign subject tags? It would also be a handy way to organize information from community groups or local organizations.