What happens when university students have unfettered access to the Internet during classes? Anyone who has spent more than a few minutes in a wireless-enabled classroom knows the answer: of the students with laptops, many are online, and many of the online crowd are surfing far from the seas of academe. Such is the conclusion of an article in the Ann Arbor News today: "As U-M Goes Wireless, Results Are Not Always Academic."
The University is adapting, slowly. The law school, for example, “now blocks individual students’ access to its wireless network when they’re supposed to be in class.” And at least one professor, Ben van der Plujim, wrote software called “Lecture Tools” that enables a presenter to share slides directly with students, allowing them to follow along with the lecture, and take notes on their laptops — giving idling hands something to do during the lecture other than click around the web.
It will be interesting to observe the evolution of in-class technology use — particularly by students — as network access becomes better integrated into the classroom.
Census Feeds
The U.S. Census Bureau launched a set of RSS feeds — see the census feeds directory. Along with news releases by topic and general Census information, the site currently offers three podcasts, including a daily Profile America podcast (also in Spanish: Al Día).
Bloglines Supports Cascading Style Sheets
Bloglines latest innovation will blur the line between reading a news item in its “native” form and reading it via RSS even further. In an announcement Tuesday (18 September), Bloglines released limited support for Cascading Style Sheets within blog posts that it displays.
In other words, if I’m doing this right, if you are reading this at Bloglines (or at RSS4Lib.com), this paragraph will have a bright blue background. That’s because I added the inline style “style=’background-color: #00A0E1′” to the <span> tag that starts this paragraph.
Bloglines has restricted the range of CSS values it allows — to prevent clever (or malicious) RSS creators from wreaking havoc with the interface. A (lengthy) list of allowed styles is on the Bloglines site.
While offering its users a richer reading experience, Bloglines is also making the distinction between the blog page and the RSS feed even smaller.
Copyright, RSS, and Common Sense
Of the many interesting cans of worms that content syndication tools — RSS feeds in particular — open, one of the most significant is copyright. The issue becomes particularly interesting when the RSS feed is the same as the site — that is, when the blog’s author chooses to republish the entire content of an article via RSS.
I think many people assume that, by making content available through RSS or other syndication tools, the content’s author has implicitly permitted that content to be used by others. Common practice shows this to be a frequent interpretation. I’m sure many of my fellow bloggers have been as annoyed as I am when I discover that RSS4Lib’s content is being reproduced, in its entirety, on another web site whose sole purpose appears to be selling advertisements.
Common practice notwithstanding, reproducing blog content wholesale is wrong, barring a license explicitly granted in the feed or on the originating web site. RSS feeds are protected by copyright just as much as any other work.
There are several mechanisms, of course, for stating your licensing terms. While copyright law (in the United States, at least) does not require an explicit statement of copyright for the item to be protected, it’s common sense to do so. You can put a statement on your blog — and it’s probably wise to do so on each post or page, using your weblog software’s templates. It’s also possible, and advisable, to put copyright statements in your feeds:
- The RSS 2.0 specification includes a copyright statement for the entire feed, in the channel’s <copyright> field, but not for a particular entry.
- The Atom draft specification has a <rights> field for both the feed and individual entries.
In practical terms, of course, whatever the rights are and however they are declared, they’re hard to enforce.
I suspect many of us are happy to have our content included in services like Google Reader, Bloglines, and the like — after all, we’re writing to be read. Short or long excerpts from our posts being used in the context of another blogger’s post are also fine with most of us — that’s how discussion happens. At the other end of the scale, I would bet that most of us are less sanguine about our content being reproduced, in whole, for financial gain, by someone else.
Somewhere in the middle is a potential Google project — described at TechCrunch in a post titled Google May Add Comment Feature On Shared Reader Feeds — in which users could comment on blog posts within the context of Google Reader. Such a project, if implemented, would move the conversations and discussions about our blog posts from our blogs into “Googlespace,” which all too often is akin to a black hole: things go in, but don’t come out. I’m not knowledgeable enough about copyright to weight in on the legality of appropriating bloggers’ content, reproducing it, and fostering interaction around it without explicit permission, but to me, it’s questionable. If this project comes to fruition, it could seriously infringe on the way we as bloggers — librarian or otherwise — interact with our users and our patrons.
JISC Study on Students and Technology
Another interesting item from JISC: The Student Expectations Study (I previously wrote about JISC in ticTOCs: Journal Tables of Contents). This study, conducted in the UK, had in-depth interviews with 27 students between the ages of 15-18 in a focus group setting and a follow-up survey of about 500 students with ages between 16 and 18.
The survey covered several topics:
- Current levels of ICT [Information and Computer Technology] provision at school/college
- Expectations of ICT provision at university
- Any difference between expectation of ICT provision and that which is provided by HE [Higher Education] institutions
The full report is a 49-page, 1MB PDF document filled with interesting tidbits about these students’ vision of technology. To quote the conclusion (p. 29):
- Support established methods of teaching and admin[instration];
- Act as an additional resource for research and communication;
- Be a core part of social engagement and facilitate face-to-face friendships at university.
These principles run across all groups identified in the online research. Those who are leading edge users or have high use of ICT at school are perhaps more technology savvy and open to its use, but they do not want technology to encroach on their learning or social experiences.
Fundamentally, this age group suspects that if all learning is mediated through technology, this will diminish the value of the learning. [Emphasis mine]
The last point, that the survey respondents view mixing technology and education with a jaundiced eye, is an interesting one for our profession, and for education more broadly.
Update 13 Sept 2007 See also the The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2007 for a similar study of U.S. undergraduate students.
Gale and RSS Feeds
Gale databases now offer RSS feeds for your searches — and, as well they should, include your institution’s proxy server in the full-text URL. Which means, of course, that if you set up the RSS feed as an authorized user for your institution, you’ll be able to get to the full text of new items on- or off-premises.
Note the RSS icon and “Create a Search Alert” text in the upper right of the image.
RSS feeds do not seem to be available in all Gale databases; it is present (in the example above) in Academic OneFile, but not in, for example, Biography and Genealogy Master Index.
Welcome to the Cut and Paste Web
Content, having reached the age of majority, has left home and is out trying to make its own way in the world. Some “digital parents” are reflexively clutching at their wayward bits, trying to keep on the on the home site. Others are preparing for the all-but-inevitable day, right around the corner, when content grows up and lives on its own, occasionally calling home to say hello and see if there are any updates.
We are on the cusp of what Steve Rubel terms the Cut and Paste Web. In this version of the web — the building blocks are already there — you can “you can take any piece of online content that you care about – a news feed, an image, a box score, multimedia, a stream of updates from your friends – and easily pin it wherever you want.”
Rubel, who writes for Advertising Age, offers three strategies for thriving in this new era where content is consumed in places far removed from the web site:
- Think web services, not websites
- Connect people
- Make everything portable
As our profession evolves from being gatekeepers to publishers of information, we need to work more actively to expand the ways our patrons use what we have. Or would use it, if only it were offered. Any online tool we build or buy for our library’s patrons should be able to provide the same functionality in another venue. Our databases should be searchable (with authentication, of course, where required) from anywhere our patrons want. If someone is building a wiki on a subject, relevant search results should be included right there, live from the database. Ditto for the library catalog, without the authentication. And the same is true for any other tool we offer our patrons in an online environment. Of course, these tools should be equally accessible on a cell phone as on a full PC-based web browser. And the output of patron research should be available in open formats — so it can be reused and republished. Licensing of content needs to reflect the realities of use, not the other way around.
Rubel concludes as follows: “In the very near future portals including iGoogle, My Yahoo and Netvibes as well as social networks will be able to easily inhale the smallest pieces of content from across the web. Don’t wait. Start now to make everything on your website embeddable. Traffic is becoming something that happens elsewhere, not just on your site.” Syndication is the next wave of innovation.
Photosynth: Organizing the World’s Pictures
Photosynth was demonstrated at the March 2007 TED Conference. A video of the demonstration blows my mind — particularly the segment that begins about 4 minutes 50 seconds into this 8-minute presentation (well worth viewing in its entirety):
Imagine being able to take photographs of any place, building, or object from all the world’s digital photos — and map them together using tags supplied by people who have already viewed the image. The Cathedral of Notre Dame example in the demonstration is a great start… But think of the possibilities, not just globally, but also locally, in terms of bringing your community’s experiences and knowledge to bear on any particular local topic.
Flog Blog: RSS to Facebook
Another clever Facebook tool that has potentially significant benefit for libraries: Flog Blog. This Facebook application allows you to add RSS items to your Facebook profile, displaying the headline and lead sentence, lead paragraph, or a set number of characters. Posts as displayed in your Facebook profile can either link to your blog itself or to the Flog Blog application’s “canvas page,” within Facebook.
Flog Blog offers an easy path for posting your library’s news, announcements, or what-have-you onto your library’s Facebook profile. (You do have a Facebook profile for yourself or your library, right?)
One thing that Flog Blog lacks is a way to share a particular post with another Facebook user or to add a specific post found on another user’s profile page to your own profile. That functionality would be a great boon to word-of-mouth library advertising.
Still, Flog Blog strikes me as a much more effective RSS tool for Facebook than two others I’ve tried, Feeds and MyRSS.
RSS: Solving the World’s Energy Crunch One Person at a Time?
The August 15 issue of Wired has an article about using “ambient information” to generate peer pressure on individuals to achieve a social good. In particular, Thompson suggests that if we make a game out of conserving energy — by publicizing our individual energy use through our web sites — that we could create a competition around reducing our energy usage.
Are there ways, I wonder, in which libraries can use a similar approach to foster library usage? Maybe build a small tool that lets library users show the money they saved by not buying the book they just read from an online bookstore? Or perhaps brag about how much time they saved by consulting a reference librarian? As more people put more information about themselves and their activities into social networking and other sites, perhaps libraries should make it easier for their patrons to publicize our institutions’ benefits.